When was Maharana Pratap born? | Maharana Pratap birth facts | #Shorts


Maharana Pratap was born on 9 May 1540 AD in Kumbhalgarh fort of Rajasthan. According to the Vikrami Samvat calendar, the birth anniversary of Maharana Pratap is also celebrated every year on Shukla Paksha Tritiya of Jyeshtha month. Other video you may watch : Why there is 110 Dc volt supply of current in Indian Railway's Train : https://youtu.be/3FcHqAJ6sSE Contact : For any query mail us at : contactstudify@gmail.com Studify facts instagram : https://www.instagram.com/studifyfacts/ Studify facts twitter : https://twitter.com/StudifyFacts/ Studify facts facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/Studify-Facts-105996615139355/ Thank you #maharanapratapsingh #maharanapratapjayanti #maharanapratapstatus #maharanapratapji #maharanapratapmemories #maharanapratappunytithi #maharanapratapsongs #maharanapratapbusstation #maharanaprataphistory #maharanapratapjayantibannerediting #maharanapratapkathe #maharanapratapkatha #maharanapratappunyatithi #maharanapratapringtone

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