There was a time when people used to steal the fans and lights in the train from the railway station and take them to their homes, then when the railway authority came to know, they did something that again no one even tried to steal the railway authority. had increased the current of the fans and lights used in the train from the normal rate to 110 Dc volt. So Stolen fans and lights stopped running in people's houses Because 220 volts AC current is supplied in the house and DC can be used up to twenty four volts. This theft stopped because it didn't even move Other videos you may watch 👇 Shorts(4) : Lucknow Girl Beating Cab Driver slapped over 20 times in viral video | studify facts - Contact 👇 For any query mail us at : Studify facts instagram : Studify facts twitter : Studify facts facebook page : Thank you #problemontrains #indiantrains #studyfacts #factswallah #factsshots #amazingfacts